Created By:
Dentons Europe Foundation
Collecting for:
Dentons Europe Foundation's general work
Established in 1919 right after the first World War, Save the Children is the largest independent children's rights organization in the world and operates in around 120 countries.

Believing that every child deserves a future, the organization fights for the rights of all children to health and survival, school and education, as well as protection from violence and exploitation. When crisis strikes and children are most vulnerable, Save the Children is among the first to respond and the last to leave in order to protect them from danger.

Every donation makes a difference. For example, €500 provides hygiene kits for 33 families, €1500 provides severely malnourished children with a lifesaving nutrient-rich peanut paste, while €5000 can fund a solar powered well to provide clean drinking water to a community -even during drought.

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