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Dentons Europe Foundation
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Dentons Europe Foundation's general work
Established in 1946, UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.

UNICEF works in the world’s toughest places to reach the most disadvantaged children and adolescents. The world’s largest provider of vaccines, UNICEF support child health and nutrition, safe water and sanitation, quality education and skill building, HIV prevention and treatment for mothers and babies, and the protection of children and adolescents from violence and exploitation.

In conflict and disaster, children suffer first and suffer most, and are especially vulnerable to disease, malnutrition and violence. Children living in conflict areas are more likely to be living in extreme or not enrolled in primary school. The chaos and insecurity of war threatens or destroys access to food, shelter, social support and health care, and results in increased vulnerability in communities, especially for children.

UNICEF’s Humanitarian Action for Children appeal provides children affected by conflicts and disasters with access to water, sanitation, nutrition, education, health and protection services. In 2023, UNICEF's HAC appeal has aimed to assist more than 173 million vulnerable children and their families and caregivers around the world. The great stresses on the rights of children brought about by the intensifying humanitarian situations of our era are only expected to grow.

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